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Dealing with Storms and Weather on PEI (Kings County)

PEI experiences a variety of weather and storms. Severe weather is becoming more common, and storms like Hurricane Fiona have proven to many that they are underprepared for such situations. While only so much is within the control of one person or one household, it is not always obvious what one can do to maximize their safety during storms. This brief course will look at the different types of storms and weather that can affect us on PEI and what their effects may be, in addition to ways individuals and households can prepare for these situations, how to become more resilient to their negative effects, and what to do in an emergency. There will be some room for discussions so we may all learn from each other; no one will be forced to share experiences with which they are uncomfortable sharing.

Course Locations and Times

Offering Period & TimeLocationStatus
Fall10/04/2024 - 10/18/2024
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Montague Legion
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 8
15 Douses Road
ObjectivesTo learn about the different types of storms that can affect us on PEI, and learning ways to prepare for, respond to, and recover from these situations.
Teaching Process
UPEI Parking Pass Required?No
Additional Costs?No
Additional Costs or Information

Course Facilitator

Choyce Chappell


Choyce Chappell has a Bachelors of Environmental Studies and a Masters of Science focusing on Environmental Sciences both from UPEI. The Masters thesis included research and understanding of disaster management and what individuals or households can do to understand how various types of weather may affect them and what they can control during these types of weather.